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General Information

General Information

Welcome to your School of Rock Fairfax District Parent Portal! We’ve designed this website so you can find everything you need in one place, including policies, important information about the School of Rock Method App and School of Rock Online, and more! Make sure to check this page frequently, as we continue to make this the best place for you to find everything you need to be successful at School of Rock.

Monday-Friday: 1:00pm-9:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 5:00pm

*Operating hours may vary seasonally. We are open daily until the conclusion of the final scheduled lesson.*

7801 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Call: 323-999-1919
Email: fairfax@schoolofrock.com
Website: schoolofrock.com/locations/fairfax

Facebook: School of Rock Fairfax District
Instagram: @sorfairfax